Contact update

This event is emitted, whenever (possibly) new data for a contact is available. When contact_update-events are processed their data is merged into the contact record.

Example 1: Contact data extracted from a form form-submission

# Event metadata this is the same for all event types.
id: 180
type: contact_update
version: 2.1.0
date: '2021-05-14T08:08:03.083104'
# New data for the contact.
title: Title 1
first_name: First
last_name: Last
# Addresses, email addresses and phone numbers are represented as lists.
- administrative_area: London
  country: GB
  locality: London
  postal_code: SW1A 1AA
  premise: Address 2
  thoroughfare: Address 1
email: []
phone_number: ['12345', '67890']
tags: [testtag]

Example 2: Enriching a contact record with MP data

When new data for a contact is being processed this might spawn additional contact_update-events. For example for updating the automatically attached MP data:

id: 181
type: contact_update
version: 2.1.0
date: '2021-05-14T08:08:03.163031'
  constituency: Cities of London and Westminster
  country: 'England, political_affiliation: Conservative'
  salutation: Nickie Aiken MP